您所在的位置:首页 >图片 > 志愿者们机场送别各国青年代表 不想与你们说再见

志愿者们机场送别各国青年代表 不想与你们说再见

2018-07-25 15:55:42




[Volunteers were taking original photos at the airport.]




  [Volunteers from Central South University and Hunan University.]




  [Volunteers saw youth representatives off at the airport.]




  [Volunteers took a group photo at the airport.]




[Volunteers prepared postcards for their foreigner friends to express their sentiments and blessings.]




  [Volunteers and representatives visited the ancient Taiping Street in Changsha.]



 ( 志愿者们与外宾在梅溪湖大酒店的合影。)

  [Volunteers and foreign guests took photos at Meixi Lake Hotel.]


来源:长沙市媒体艺术发展中心官网 | 作者:吴雨珂 | 编辑:陈贝贝