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国际友人感受长沙数字烟花之美 在P8星球进行文化创意体验

2018-07-25 15:54:16




[On the evening of 22nd May, the specially designed Digital Firework Show, as part of 2018 Changsha Media Art Festival and the International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Roads, surprised and impressed the whole Changsha city with its magnificence and splendid beauty.]



 ( 来自英国的青年代表George Elliott Pawex与志愿者在游轮上享受美食。)

[British young representative George Elliott Pawex and volunteers enjoyed food on the cruise ship.]



 ( 游轮上观赏到美丽的长沙夜景。)

  [The beautiful night scenery of Changsha from the perspective on the cruise ship.]



  ( 各国青年代表享受游轮上的美好时刻。)

[Youth representatives enjoyed the beautiful moments on the cruise ship.]



  ( 各国代表与志愿者们在游轮上狂欢 展现各国不同的舞蹈。)

[Representatives and volunteers were performing the dance of their countries on the cruise ship.]



 (来自奥斯汀的城市代表Susan欣赏绚烂多彩的烟花 浏阳花炮制作技艺入选国家级非物质文化遗产名录。)

[Susan, representative from Austin, admired the splendid fireworks Liuyang fireworks manufacturing skills have been listed in the national intangible cultural heritage.]



  (各国的城市代表走进P8星球 进行文化创意互动体验。P8星球坐落于远大城这片工业绿洲之上,是一个集众创空间、孵化器为一体的可持续创新社区。)

[Representatives visited the Plan8t to experience the cultural and creative interaction. Located in Yuandacheng, Plan8t, a sustainable and innovative community, served as a maker space and an incubator.]



  ( 志愿者们和青年代表来张自拍。)

 [Volunteers and youth representatives were talking a selfie.]



  ( 体验P8项目的志愿者和城市代表们在体验特色的欢迎仪式。)

 [Volunteers and representatives in the special welcoming ceremony in Plan8t.]



  ( 志愿者和城市代表们在P8社区拉手共舞。)

 [Volunteers and representatives danced together in the Plan8t community.]



  ( “一带一路”世界青年代表们与志愿者们合影留念。)

  [Youth representatives from countries along the Silk Roads took photos with volunteers.]



 (俯瞰长沙城市景观 不忘来张自拍!)

 [Overlooking Changsha Cityscape, don't forget to take a selfie!]


来源:长沙市媒体艺术发展中心官网 | 作者:吴雨珂 | 编辑:陈贝贝