您所在的位置:首页 >图片 > 来自“一带一路”沿线国家的青年代表感受湖南非物质文化遗产的独特魅力


2018-07-25 15:52:49



( 湖南省非物质文化遗产——面塑。)

  [Intangible cultural heritage of Hunan Province - dough modeling.]




  [Foreign guests were painting on the pottery plate of Tongguan Kiln.]




 [The paper-cut works of Japanese youth representative Kristina.]



( 多位外宾在跟随面塑师傅制作面塑。)

  [Foreign guests were making dough modeling.]




  [The exquisite colorful dough handicrafts.]




 [Jalil, a youth representative from Azerbaijan, was admiring the Hunan embroidery work.]




 [Yuliya from Belarus was making dough modeling with volunteers.]



 (志愿者尹嘉宇向来自中非的青年代表FREDDY PATRICK 解释面塑的制作过程。)

 [Volunteer Yin Jiayu was introducing the process of making dough modeling to FREDDY PATRICK, a youth representative from Central Africa.]




 [ Russian youth representative LILIYA was visiting Li Zijian Art Museum accompanied by volunteer.]



来源:长沙市媒体艺术发展中心官网 | 作者:吴雨珂 | 编辑:陈贝贝