您所在的位置:首页 >刚好遇见你 > 刚好遇见你 志愿者们迎接来自远方的朋友们

刚好遇见你 志愿者们迎接来自远方的朋友们

2018-07-31 15:53:55



  [Volunteers were doing the final preparation for pick-up at the airport.]



  (摩尔多瓦青年代表Igor Ciurea与中南大学志愿者吴雨珂。)

  [Youth Representative Igor Ciurea from Moldova and volunteer Wu Yuke from Central South University.]



  (志愿者们统一着装 等待着远方来的外国朋友。)

  [Volunteers were in uniform, waiting for foreign friends.]




[Volunteers were busy working at the airport.]



  ( 抵达长沙机场的三位外宾与他们的陪同志愿者。)

 [Three arrived foreign guests and their accompanying volunteers at Changsha Airport.]




  [Indian representative Pratiti arrived at Changsha Airport.]



( 印度青年代表Pratiti与陪同志愿者李淑颖。)

 [Youth representative Pratiti from India and her accompanying volunteer Li Shuying.]



 ( 志愿者在跟外宾交谈。)

 [Volunteers were talking to foreign guests.]




 [Volunteers and foreign guests at the airport.]




  [Youth representatives and volunteers participated in ice breaking activities.]




  [Youth Representative Fazil from Azerbaijan and Volunteer from Hunan University at the ice breaking event.]





  [Indian youth representative Geetha and volunteer WangZiyi from Central South University at the ice breaking event.]


来源:长沙市媒体艺术发展中心官网 | 作者:吴雨珂 | 编辑:陈贝贝