您所在的位置:首页 >再见不再见 > 2018长沙媒体艺术节暨“一带一路”青年创意与遗产论坛志愿者人员安排及名单


2018-07-25 15:18:19
来源:长沙市媒体艺术发展中心官网 | 作者:李馨 | 编辑:陈贝贝









  Brief Introduction and list of the volunteers in 2018 Changsha Media Art Festival and International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Road


On May 20th to 23rd, 2018, 2018 Changsha Media Art Festival and International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Road was successfully held in Changsha. The officials of UNESCO, the high-level representatives from the cities of the UCCN, and the outstanding youth representatives from many countries took part in this magnificent event. Meanwhile, 57 outstanding young volunteers from Hunan University and Central South University also participated and played an important role in the event.


During the forum, the volunteers not only participated in the discussions and meetings, but also accompanied and guided the representatives from all over the world. With volunteers' fluent oral English, confident manners, warm and thoughtful attitudes, the representatives not only felt at home, but also witnessed and appreciated deeply the unique charm of Changsha.


Here follows the list of volunteers of this forum:

