Changsha shines at cultural fair

Changsha Evening News | 05 24, 2024

  Changsha has taken center stage at the 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair held from May 23 to 27.

  At the fair, the Hunan Pavilion features a vibrant constellation of Changsha elements. For example, artifacts from the Mawangdui Tombs in Changsha are displayed in a digital way, giving a glimpse into a vivid scene of life from the Western Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. Culture-theme products brought by Changsha brands such as Chayan Yuese and Wenheyou dazzle visitors, evoking a sense of nostalgia.

Address::Room 819, Changsha Publicity Department, No.218, Yuelu Avenue, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R.C