The Restoration Performance of Mawangdui Han Tomb: A Dream of Xin Zhui

长沙市媒体艺术发展中心 | 07 16, 2021

      A Dream of Xin Zhui, a performance created by Peking Opera Protection and Inheritance Center of Hunan and Hunan Museum, is planned to meet the audience in September at the multifunctional hall in Hunan Museum. As a Culture and Tourism Integration Demonstration Project in Hunan Province, this performance is an active exploration of cultural heritage.
  Incorporating the historical relics into the Peking Opera, the performance narrates the story of Xin Zhui. As the wife of Li Cang, the Marquis of Dai and Chancellor of the Kingdom of Changsha, Xin Zhui followed her husband’s wishes and raised their son Li Xi to be a brave soldier who defended the kingdom.
  The 30-minute performance finds its uniqueness and creativity in performing form, relics application, stage design, etc. It adopts traditional and modern performing forms, including light shows, dances of Han Dynasty, and Peking Opera, which integrates the vocal style of Peking Opera with modern music. Inspired by the unique design of the relics in Mawangdui Han Tomb, the costume and makeup of the performers are adapted from that of in the Han Dynasty. Some stage props like painted food tables are replicas of the relics, bringing the relics of the Han Dynasty back to life.
  With the immersed audio-visual experience, the audience will have a better understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the relics in the Mawangdui Han Tomb.


Translated by 莫雨婷,蒋凤仪,王琼
Address::Room 819, Changsha Publicity Department, No.218, Yuelu Avenue, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R.C