Portraying the City·Interpretation

Changsha Development center of Media Arts | 12 17, 2021



As the resulting presentation of the C+C International Media Art Residency Program, Portraying the City——Interpretation exhibits the individual and collaborative works of eight resident artists, and unfolds narratives and dialogues in three dimensions, "engaging with and depicting urban landscape", "exploration and application of media technology", and "observation and interpretation of cultural symbols". While maintaining their creative process, the artists incorporate their local experiences and life experiences occurred during their residency. In the works, they transform and present the impression of the city by means of artistic creation.
  In The Language of Cities, Deyan Sudjic (now Director Emeritus of the British Design Museum) describes that cities are shaped by matter and forged by ideas. Cities are huge, breathing ecosystems whose style and character are built on the continuity of history and the gradual formation of local culture. The multi-layered cities are constantly evolving, and are labeled differently over time due to their respective development paths. Changsha, an ancient cultural city that has been reborn from the ground up, is growing vigorously with innovation as the driving force, and is striding forward on the road of establishing itself into an International Cultural and Creative Center.
  C+C International Media Art Residency Program took place in the context of Changsha being recognized as the first UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts in China. In the era of comprehensive and high-speed information, we literally live in various forms of media. The development of science and technology has facilitated the transmission of information, and technological innovation has also brought more possibilities for artistic expression, making the use of visual language more abundant on the foundation of traditional art. In this context, artists can use a variety of creative forms, both static and dynamic, to express their ideas and opinions. The exploration of innovation and imagination diversifies ways of communication.
  Art residency is to realize the exchange of experience for all participants, and to provide artists with an opportunity to break away from daily life and enter a new creative environment for self-examination and breakthrough. The artists in this project are four foreign artists and four young artists from Hunan. This combination stimulates the collision of thinking formed in different backgrounds, the convergence of similarities and differences promotes the exchange and dissemination of cultures, and the intervention of multicultural values in creation establishes a dialogue between the artists and themselves, their peers, the public, as well as the city.


红屋的幻梦The Dream of the Red Chamber

若塞·狄莫 José Drummond | 葡萄牙 PT


Statement Section
  To live in the present is such a strange and complex feeling. Why do we feel the way we do? Are we in a temporal limbo -- constantly conjecturing about the past and the future? How can we make sense of the contrast between the overpowering technology and the perfect imperfections in nature? Sometimes it feels like we are in a labyrinth where we not only get lost but forget to search for meanings. In this state of disorder and ambiguity, in this maze, there is no entry or exit.



The Firefly Dreams

李敏智 MJ Lee | 韩国 KR


Statement Section
  The visual or auditory illiteracy that people feel when they are exposed to unfamiliar cultures and emotions expands other human senses, and we tend to communicate through nonverbal means, signing, pointing, gesticulating, and warm encouragement.

元素The Elements

李敏智 MJ Lee | 韩国 KR


Statement Section
  The complexity and fragility of living, and at the same time dying, and decaying human states are within the perimeter of time.

逆向透视练习Reverse Perspective Study

李维伊 Weiyi Li | 中国 CN


Statement Section
  I was intrigued by this technique of total rejection of illusion and thus created a series of chairs that were painted strictly in reverse perspective. This artwork can be seen as a structural sketch done with a very stringent error, or a sketch of a chair that is not intended to be the final product at all.



毛太纸 MTZ | 中国 CN


 Statement Section
  The medium that connects reality to the virtual world is still ultimately light. In the 380,000th year after the Big Bang, photons broke through the chaos and crossed the universe, passing through irises, time and space, bringing life and vitality. We stand at the coordinates of the future and look into the deep space, and with the answers that light brings, we can gaze into the past of time.

耀辉之城Luminous City

安东尼·里德 Anthony Reed | 英国 UK



Statement Section
  A series of photographs exploring the contemporary urban environment of Changsha. Quiet contemplative observations of a radically transforming urban landscape. Towering neon lit towers boldly signal a new chapter for the city. The ancient city was completely destroyed in the great fire of 1938 but managed to rebuild itself from the ashes. A city closely associated with revolutionary zeal, neon clad skyscrapers cast their colours on the surrounding streets and skies, their enduring glow hints to an enticing future, one detached from its ancient roots.

  如拉 RULA | 中国 CN


Statement Section
  The dripping of paint and ink is a unique visual symbol of graffiti, which is full of randomness. The direction of the dripping is vertically in accordance with the gravity. The vertical growth of the building and the spontaneous dripping of paint are sprituallly harmonized, as they are projected in the same frequency and in different directions on the same line.

From A Boy to A Man III

孙存明 Cunming Sun | 中国 CN


Statement Section
  The door is also a symbol of growth. The door is removed from its original environment, and in previous scenes it was treated as a fully functional presence. Everyone used and observed it only in a flat dimension. In the exhibition, I present the complete door frame and door panel as a sculpture. This change in the way of viewing frees the "door" as an object from its single function.

无名贵妇之墓The Tomb of an Unknown Noblewoman

魏皓啟 Hutch Wilco | 新西兰 NZ与本地匠人陈琛合作作品


Statement Section
  The Tomb of an Unknown Noblewoman is a work of speculative fiction in the form of a museum display. Using standard museum didactic techniques, the work presents a narrative that weaves together an imaginary journey by the Chinese explorer Zheng He and the cultural exchange between Chinese and Māori in 1405CE, and its influence on decorative motifs of Chinese craftspeople at the Tongguan Kilns, and the entirely fictional discovery of these items in a tomb in the heart of Changsha in the modern era.

穿越The Crossing

李敏智 MJ Lee & 安东尼·里德 Anthony Reed


Statement Section
  MJ Lee: To me, space is an immaterial element that has 'energy.' Through my performance, I try to engage with and immerse myself in the energy of a given space.
  Anthony Reed: The architecture itself would provide another crucial layer of interpretation and experimentation. Enveloped inside a vast empty shell, the building's ethereal interiors exerted its own spell and fed our creative visions.


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参展艺术家 / Artists

若瑟·狄莫 José Drummond (葡萄牙 PT)

李敏智 MJ Lee(韩国 KR)

李维伊 Weiyi Li(中国 CN)

毛太纸 MTZ(中国 CN)

安东尼·里德 Anthony Reed(英国 UK)

如拉 RULA(中国 CN)

孙存明 Cunming Sun(中国 CN)

魏皓啟 Hutch Wilco(新西兰 NZ)

按姓名首字母排序Ordered Alphabetically by Last Name

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展览时间 / Exhibition Duration

开幕 Opening: 2021.12.17展期 Duration: 2021.12.17-2022.1.16

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展览地点 / Exhibition Location

谢子龙影像艺术馆一楼7展厅Xie Zilong Photography Museum, Floor 1, Exhibition Hall no. 7

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观展方式 / To Visit

展览免费,展期内到现场即可观展The exhibition is free for visit during the exhibition period.


  Project Team项︱目︱团︱队

项目总监:张丹丹Program Director: Dandan Zhang

项目经理:孙琴Program Manager: Sun Qin

联合策展:袁霆轩、喻莹、孙琴Associated Curators: Tingxuan Yuan, Peggy Yu, Sun Qin

学术支持:谢京爵Academic Support: Karina Tse

学术顾问:曹音、Chalotte Galloway、Davide乐大豆Academic Advisors: Yin Cao, Chalotte Galloway, Davide

项目统筹:李书阳、赵晨、陈思瀚、李凌莎Program Coordinators: Shuyang Li, Chen Zhao, Vincent Chen, Linsha Li

项目执行:邓梦春、黄隽、韦云飞、曾萌萌、王家璇、王精晶、刘思池、麻桂群、陈可忱、李唐亮、王娟Program Execution: Mengchun Deng, Jun Huang, Yunfei Wei, Mengmeng Zeng, Jiaxuan Wang, Jingjin Wang, Sichi Liu, Guiqun Ma, Kechen Chen, Tangliang Li, Juan Wang

合作拓展:周洁Cooperation Extension: Jie Zhou

活动策划:戴子敏Activities Curator: Birdy Dai

媒体编辑:戚悦、李丹、徐敏Media Editors:Yue Qi, Dan Li, Min Xu

平面设计:刘婷、蔡钰、姚佩含、文宇舰Graphic Designers: Ting Liu, Cici Cai, Peihan Yao, Yujian Wen

空间设计:夏思雨、晏佳琪Space Designers: Siyu Xia, Jiaqi Yan

摄 影:陈归、邱诗蕊、黄荣坤Photographers: Gui Chen, Shirui Qiu, Rongkun Huang

摄 像:郑文昌、黄明Filmmakers: Wenchang Zheng, Ming Huang

技术支持:吴天浩、郭锐、许旭明Technical Support: Tianhao Wu, Rui Guo, Xuming Xu

  Special Thanks



Pengyuan Yu and Lingyi Tan, Lin Tie and Mao Lulu (Hunan University of Finance and Economics), Wenqian Cao (BOEYT), Zhang Jing and Yolanda Liu (Timeloft), Daniel Zhang (BROAD Group), Liu Jing and Gan Xianke (Malanshan Powerise Park), Klara Zhang (Cicada), Li Feng and Li Lan (Daoguanchong Intangible Cultural Heritage Ecological Village), Shengjie Xu, Ling Quan, Bingqin Chou (SustainableCity), Qin Long, Qian Ouyang (Chaozong Street Historical and Cultural Block), PANDABAO, Monster Family

  Guidance Unit指︱导︱单︱位










Address::Room 819, Changsha Publicity Department, No.218, Yuelu Avenue, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R.C