IYF3 | Ice-breaking for IYF Volunteers Complete!

Changsha Development center of Media Arts | 03 13, 2019

The warm and sunny Xianjia Lake Park saw the success of the ice-breaking program for IYF volunteers this year on March 10.


  (Volunteers participating this program)


The ice-breaking program consists of three sessions. In the first session, volunteers need to find their group members, stand in a circle and try to memorize each member’s name. This is no easy task when each group has over 10 members, but our volunteers have totally nailed that!



(Volunteers in the first session)


The second session is called ‘Show Me!’ in which each group needs to select 2 members to ‘show’ what they have seen without any word and the rest need to guess what they are showing. Each of them was like an Oscar star!



(Volunteers in the ‘Show Me!’ session)


The third session is called ‘Running Volunteers’ in which each group has a map. They need to take a photo in a funny pose at every site to get the clue for the next. It is really a good chance for them to wander in the parkand get to know each other.


  (Volunteers in the ‘Running Volunteers’ session)

Address::Room 705, Changsha Publicity Department, No.218, Yuelu Avenue, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R.C